About Me

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My name is Jenn and I am 20 years old. I am a Junior at Salem State College. I transferred to Salem from UMass Boston in the spring. I have been a Preschool teacher for 3 years in Lexington, MA. I have wanted to become a 1st grade teacher ever since I was in Elementry School. I love being able to observe and help the children grow academically, physically, and emotionally. My boyfriend John and I have been together for almost 2 years. I love to play sports and I go running 2 miles every day to stay physically active.


Best Friends

Celtics Game

Celtics Game

Monday, February 22, 2010

Are dress codes appropriate and necessary?

In my opinion, I'm not exactly sure to whether or not I feel that dress codes are necessary. In different school settings, the community feels that it is necessary to wear uniforms. I am from Arlington, MA. In Arlington, we have two high schools. We have Arlington High School, which is a casual dress setting, and then we have Arlington Catholic High School, in which they must wear uniforms in order to attend this school. Granted Arlington Catholic is a Catholic School, but I don't feel that it is necessary to wear uniforms. I understand that there are many different reasons for which schools have dress codes, but I think that student's should be able to make their own decisions. On this specific website, they state many different reasons in which students should have a dress code. One of the main reasons is because of wealth. Some students come to school dressed in Burberry and Lacoste, while others wear clothes that are on the less fortunate side of the mall. In my opinion, people shouldn't judge people because of what they wear, but unfortunately, this is what goes on in schools. In this case, I can understand why schools have a dress code. It really depends on the community and the different issues that are going in schools. If there are extreme cases in which the school is not a healthy setting because of poeple making fun or discrimating against what people are wearing, I feel that a dress code is most deffinately necessary.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why People choose teaching as a Profession?

In my opinion, there are many different reasons in which people choose teaching as a profession. I have choose to research this topic because I was extremely curious to whether or not people teach because it is their passion, or if they just feel that its an easy paycheck. From past experiences, I have seen and witnessed many different teachers who I feel just want the money. In some cases, if people want to become a preschool teacher, they can take a few courses and do observation hours and then they can easily become a preschool teacher. From first grade up until my senior year of high school, i can remember many teachers that would fall under this questionable category. From not caring about their students and giving them busy work everyday, to actually working one on one with them and encouraging them to their best, is something to think about. After doing some research on this topic, I found the top ten reasons to become a teacher.
Top Ten Reasons

Student Potential
Student Success
Teaching a subject helps you learn a subject
Daily humor
Affecting the future
Staying Younger
Autonomy in the classroom
Conductive to family life
Job Security

After reading and researching many different sites, I noticed that these reasons for teaching were for the majority of the sites. From my perspective, many of these reasons are legitimate, but what about staying younger? This is one that I really don't understand. Teaching helps people feel younger? That does not really made sense to me. I would never want to become a teacher just because it makes me look younger or act younger etc. Becoming a teacher in my opinion is something that a person should really want. It not just something to acquire in if you have nothing else to do.

After doing more research, I came upon a website that really spoke from the heart. This website really told readers why teaching is important and why the majority of people teach for a career. This website talks about how people teach to help children learn and grow, improve communities, making learning fun, and most importantly, teach because you love or have a passion for it. After reading this website, I felt like I was typing my own paper on why I am choosing the path of becoming a teacher!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Blog

This is my first blog entry this semester. My freshman year of college I attended Salem State Univeristy. After two years of living there, I decided I wanted to move back home to be closer to family, friends, & my boyfriend. In fall 2009, I went to UMass Boston. I really enjoyed going there but they didn't have an education major, they only had an education program. Since that didn't work out, I decided to come to Salem State. My major is Elementry Education and I am minoring in English. I am really enjoying this school so far and I'm excited to continue my education here for the next 2 years! :)