About Me

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My name is Jenn and I am 20 years old. I am a Junior at Salem State College. I transferred to Salem from UMass Boston in the spring. I have been a Preschool teacher for 3 years in Lexington, MA. I have wanted to become a 1st grade teacher ever since I was in Elementry School. I love being able to observe and help the children grow academically, physically, and emotionally. My boyfriend John and I have been together for almost 2 years. I love to play sports and I go running 2 miles every day to stay physically active.


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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reflection on this Course

As this course is coming to an end, I learned many significant things that I never paid much attention to before. First of all, I learned a lot about time management. It's really important, especially in this course, to manage your time well. It's impossible to complete all of your work and do a thorough job on it if the right amount of time isn't taken to complete it. I also learned a lot about working with others to complete a task. When we first started doing the literature circles, I was a bit worried about getting it all done on time in order for my classmates to be able to post and comment on my reactions to the questions or articles. We had to rely on one another to complete the task in order for all of us to receive a good grade for that week. Most importantly, I learned a lot about myself during the duration of this course. In January, I wasn't absolutely 100% positive to whether or not I wanted to teach first or second grade. I have always wanted to become a teacher ever since I was young, but the grade to which I wanted to teach was unclear. After completing all of my four observations in a first grade classroom, I made the decision that I definitely wanted to be a first grade teacher. After walking out the door of each of the four observations, I had a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm. I wanted to go back and stay longer. I truthfully felt extremely rewarded and I would not have known all the rewards and excitement that comes along with teaching first grade students!

After completing all of these blogs, I was excited to look back and see all of the efforts that I put into these blogs. It was a positive factor to see how much time I really put into making each and every blog. It was also very helpful to be able to read each and every one of our classmates blogs. Some of the topics that we blogged on, I only had one view on the topic, but after looking over a few other blogs, my views changed and open my horizons much wider then they were to begin with! Overall, these blogs were a positive factor in this course and I know that I will refer to my blog in the future in order to help me with my career.

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