About Me

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My name is Jenn and I am 20 years old. I am a Junior at Salem State College. I transferred to Salem from UMass Boston in the spring. I have been a Preschool teacher for 3 years in Lexington, MA. I have wanted to become a 1st grade teacher ever since I was in Elementry School. I love being able to observe and help the children grow academically, physically, and emotionally. My boyfriend John and I have been together for almost 2 years. I love to play sports and I go running 2 miles every day to stay physically active.


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Monday, March 29, 2010

Behaviorism in the Classroom

In today's school systems, there are many conflicts and opinions dealing with students behavior in the classroom. In many different books and articles, behaviorism says that human behavior is determined by the forces in the environment beyond our control and not by the exercise of free will. In my opinion, teachers can not teach students how to behave in the classroom. Teachers can provide knowledge for proper manners and behaviors that they expect in the classroom, but they should not expect to change any child's behavior just by telling them how to behave. After doing some research and finding different articles on behavior, I realized that some teachers are able to teach children how to behave by incorporating behavior styles into their lessons. By teaching students how to behave while during a lesson, students do not feel as if they are being lectured and taught about how they behave. This provides a fun way to students to learn their academics, and apply their learning process with the way in which they behave while doing it. As I stated above, there are many different opinions and perspectives on behavior. After looking over these different theories on behavior, I think that I, as a future teacher will be able to integrate behavior techniques into my teaching styles in order to help my students learn and grow and a calm and somewhat structured environment.
I also found some websites talking about different teachers approaches to behaviorism and how they include in their classroom. This specific website states that some college professors expect students to be academically ready to enter their classroom. They feel that they should know how to handle their curriculum and expectations. I feel that this website helps future teachers learn how other teachers of various grades expects their students to behave and enter their classroom.

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